Get Call
Path parameters
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
This is the unique identifier for the call.
This is the unique identifier for the org that this call belongs to.
This is the ISO 8601 date-time string of when the call was created.
This is the ISO 8601 date-time string of when the call was last updated.
This is the type of call.
These are the costs of individual components of the call in USD.
This is the provider of the call.
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the transport of the phone call.
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the status of the call.
This is the explanation for how the call ended.
This is the destination where the call ended up being transferred to. If the call was not transferred, this will be empty.
This is the ISO 8601 date-time string of when the call was started.
This is the ISO 8601 date-time string of when the call was ended.
This is the cost of the call in USD.
This is the cost of the call in USD.
This is a copy of assistant artifact plan. This isn’t actually stored on the call but rather just returned in POST /call/web to enable artifact creation client side.
This is the analysis of the call. Configure in assistant.analysisPlan
This is to real-time monitor the call. Configure in assistant.monitorPlan
These are the artifacts created from the call. Configure in assistant.artifactPlan
This is the transport used for the call.
The ID of the call as provided by the phone number service. callSid in Twilio. conversationUuid in Vonage.
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the assistant that will be used for the call. To use a transient assistant, use assistant
This is the assistant that will be used for the call. To use an existing assistant, use assistantId
These are the overrides for the assistant
or assistantId
’s settings and template variables.
This is the squad that will be used for the call. To use a transient squad, use squad
This is a squad that will be used for the call. To use an existing squad, use squadId
This is the phone number that will be used for the call. To use a transient number, use phoneNumber
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the phone number that will be used for the call. To use an existing number, use phoneNumberId
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the customer that will be called. To call a transient customer , use customer
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the customer that will be called. To call an existing customer, use customerId
Only relevant for outboundPhoneCall
and inboundPhoneCall
This is the name of the call. This is just for your own reference.