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  1. Voice Fallback Plan: You can now define a fallbackPlan in your assistant’s voice settings in assistant.voice.fallbackPlan or call.squad.members.assistant.voice.fallbackPlan to specify alternative voices if your primary voice provider fails.

  2. AssemblyAI Credential Management: You can now specify your AssemblyAI API keys in the updated “Transcriber Providers” page. Create your API key in the AssemblyAI dashboard. AssemblyAI errors are now surfaced in the endedReason of Call, ServerMessageEndOfCallReport, and ServerMessageStatusUpdate.

Specify AssemblyAI API keys in the Transcriber Providers page
  1. Enhanced BYO SIP Trunk Configuration: When configuring BYO SIP trunk credentials, you can now specify a techPrefix for outbound SIP calls and enable sipDiversionHeader for authenticating the calling number (if supported). Refer to the ByoSipTrunkCredential schema in the API reference to learn more.

Learn more about techPrefix and sipDiversionHeader in the BYO SIP Trunk Credential schema:

  1. File Name Length Constraints: The maximum file name length has been reduced from 100 to 40 characters. The required minimum length is still 1 character.

  2. Increased Server Timeout Limit: The maximum value of server.timeoutSeconds has increased from 60 to 120 seconds, allowing longer timeouts for server responses.

  3. Extended Delay for Tool Messages: The timingMilliseconds maximum in ToolMessageDelayed has increased from 20,000 to 120,000 milliseconds, enabling a longer delay for tool messages.