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Enhanced Voicemail Detection, File Processing, Knowledge Base Integration, and Invoicing Updates

  1. Track Voicemail Detection Cost, Configure Google and Twilio Voicemail Detection Plans
  • You can now configure provider-specific settings and track voicemail detection costs through the new VoicemailDetectionCost schema at call.costs[type=voicemail-detection].
  • Configure Google or Twilio voicemail detection settings using the new GoogleVoicemailDetectionPlan and TwilioVoicemailDetectionPlan schemas.
1// Google configuration example
3 "provider": "google",
4 "voicemailExpectedDurationSeconds": 15 // Range: 5-60 seconds
1// Twilio configuration example
3 "provider": "twilio",
4 "enabled": true,
5 "machineDetectionTimeout": 30, // Range: 3-59 seconds
6 "voicemailDetectionTypes": ["machine_end_beep", "machine_end_silence"]
  1. Improved File Processing Statuses and Parsed Text Content
  • File processing statuses have been renamed to better reflect their purpose: processingdonefailed.
  • Two new properties have been added to the File schema: parsedTextUrl and parsedTextBytes, providing direct access to parsed text content from processed files.
  1. Google Gemini Models for Knowledge Base Integration
  • The KnowledgeBase schema now fully supports Google’s Gemini models with specific model options.
  • You can use Gemini models in your knowledge bases at[type=query].knowledgeBases.
1"model": {
2 "enum": [
3 "gemini-2.0-flash-thinking-exp",
4 "gemini-2.0-pro-exp-02-05",
5 "gemini-2.0-flash",
6 "gemini-2.0-flash-lite-preview-02-05",
7 "gemini-2.0-flash-exp",
8 "gemini-2.0-flash-realtime-exp",
9 "gemini-1.5-flash",
10 "gemini-1.5-flash-002",
11 "gemini-1.5-pro",
12 "gemini-1.5-pro-002",
13 "gemini-1.0-pro"
14 ]
  1. New Invoicing Features
  • You can now use InvoicePlan schema for customizing invoice information with company details.
  • This can be accessed via the new invoicePlan property on the Subscription schema.
  • Customize company name, email, tax ID, and address for your invoices.
  1. Additional Voice Options
  • Five new voice options have been added to the FallbackVapiVoice schema: Adi, Julia, Maibri (Web), Maibri (Phone), and Ashley.
  • Configure these voices in your assistant fallback plans at assistant.voice.fallbackPlan.voices.
Additional Vapi Voices
Additional Vapi Voices