Update Block


Path parameters



Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.


This endpoint expects an object.
messageslist of objectsOptional

These are the pre-configured messages that will be spoken to the user while the block is running.


This is the input schema for the block. This is the input the block needs to run. It’s given to the block as steps[0].input

These are accessible as variables:

  • ({{input.propertyName}}) in context of the block execution (step)
  • ({{stepName.input.propertyName}}) in context of the workflow

This is the output schema for the block. This is the output the block will return to the workflow ({{stepName.output}}).

These are accessible as variables:

  • ({{output.propertyName}}) in context of the block execution (step)
  • ({{stepName.output.propertyName}}) in context of the workflow (read caveat #1)
  • ({{blockName.output.propertyName}}) in context of the workflow (read caveat #2)


  1. a workflow can execute a step multiple times. example, if a loop is used in the graph. {{stepName.output.propertyName}} will reference the latest usage of the step.
  2. a workflow can execute a block multiple times. example, if a step is called multiple times or if a block is used in multiple steps. {{blockName.output.propertyName}} will reference the latest usage of the block. this liquid variable is just provided for convenience when creating blocks outside of a workflow with steps.

This is the tool that the block will call. To use an existing tool, use toolId.

stepslist of objectsOptional

These are the steps in the workflow.


This is the name of the block. This is just for your reference.

instructionstringOptional>=1 character

This is the instruction to the model.

You can reference any variable in the context of the current block execution (step):

  • “{{input.your-property-name}}” for the current step’s input
  • ”{{your-step-name.output.your-property-name}}” for another step’s output (in the same workflow; read caveat #1)
  • “{{your-step-name.input.your-property-name}}” for another step’s input (in the same workflow; read caveat #1)
  • “{{your-block-name.output.your-property-name}}” for another block’s output (in the same workflow; read caveat #2)
  • “{{your-block-name.input.your-property-name}}” for another block’s input (in the same workflow; read caveat #2)
  • “{{workflow.input.your-property-name}}” for the current workflow’s input
  • ”{{global.your-property-name}}” for the global context

This can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

  • ”say hello and ask the user about their day!"
  • "collect the user’s first and last name"
  • "user is {{input.firstName}} {{input.lastName}}. their age is {{input.age}}. ask them about their salary and if they might be interested in buying a house. we offer {{input.offer}}“


  1. a workflow can execute a step multiple times. example, if a loop is used in the graph. {{stepName.output/input.propertyName}} will reference the latest usage of the step.
  2. a workflow can execute a block multiple times. example, if a step is called multiple times or if a block is used in multiple steps. {{blockName.output/input.propertyName}} will reference the latest usage of the block. this liquid variable is just provided for convenience when creating blocks outside of a workflow with steps.

This is the id of the tool that the block will call. To use a transient tool, use tool.


Tool Call