December 6, 2024

  1. OAuth 2 Authentication for Custom LLM Models and Webhooks: In addition to (AuthZ)[], you can now now authenticate users accessing your custom LLMs and server urls (aka webhooks) using OAuth2 (RFC 6749). Use the authenticationSession dictionary which contains an accessToken and expiresAt datetime to authenticate further requests to your custom LLM or server URL.

For example, create a webhook credential with CreateCustomLLMCredentialDTO with the following payload:

2 "provider": "custom-llm",
3 "apiKey": "your-api-key-max-10000-characters",
4 "authenticationPlan": {
5 "type": "oauth2",
6 "url": "",
7 "clientId": "your-client-id",
8 "clientSecret": "your-client-secret"
9 },
10 "name": "your-credential-name-between-1-and-40-characters"

This returns a CustomLLMCredential object as follows:

Refer to the CustomLLMCredential schema for more information

This can be used to authenticate successive requests to your custom LLM or server URL.