Custom Transcriber


Vapi supports several transcription providers, but sometimes you may need to use your own transcription service. This guide shows you how to integrate Deepgram as your custom transcriber. The solution streams raw stereo PCM audio (16‑bit) from Vapi via WebSocket to your server, which then forwards the audio to Deepgram. Deepgram returns real‑time partial and final transcripts that are processed (including channel detection) and sent back to Vapi.

Why Use a Custom Transcriber?

  • Flexibility: Integrate with your preferred transcription service.
  • Control: Implement specialized processing that isn’t available with built‑in providers.
  • Cost Efficiency: Leverage your existing transcription infrastructure while maintaining full control over the pipeline.
  • Customization: Tailor the handling of audio data, transcript formatting, and buffering according to your specific needs.

How It Works

  1. Connection Initialization:
    Vapi connects to your custom transcriber endpoint (e.g. /api/custom-transcriber) via WebSocket. It sends an initial JSON message like this:

    2 "type": "start",
    3 "encoding": "linear16",
    4 "container": "raw",
    5 "sampleRate": 16000,
    6 "channels": 2
  2. Audio Streaming:
    Vapi then streams binary PCM audio to your server.

  3. Transcription Processing:
    Your server forwards the audio to Deepgram(Chooseen Transcriber for Example) using its SDK. Deepgram processes the audio and returns transcript events that include a channel_index (e.g. [0, ...] for customer, [1, ...] for assistant). The service buffers the incoming data, processes the transcript events (with debouncing and channel detection), and emits a final transcript.

  4. Response:
    The final transcript is sent back to Vapi as a JSON message:

    2 "type": "transcriber-response",
    3 "transcription": "The transcribed text",
    4 "channel": "customer" // or "assistant"

Implementation Steps

1. Project Setup

Create a new Node.js project and install the required dependencies:

$mkdir vapi-custom-transcriber
>cd vapi-custom-transcriber
>npm init -y
>npm install ws express dotenv @deepgram/sdk

Create a .env file with the following content:


2. Code Files

Below are the individual code files you need for the integration.


This service creates a live connection to Deepgram, processes incoming audio, handles transcript events (including channel detection), and emits the final transcript back to the caller.

1const { createClient, LiveTranscriptionEvents } = require("@deepgram/sdk");
2const EventEmitter = require("events");
4const PUNCTUATION_TERMINATORS = [".", "!", "?"];
8const DEEPGRAM_API_KEY = process.env["DEEPGRAM_API_KEY"] || "";
10class TranscriptionService extends EventEmitter {
11 constructor(config, logger) {
12 super();
13 this.config = config;
14 this.logger = logger;
15 this.flowLogger = require("./fileLogger").createNamedLogger(
16 "transcriber-flow.log"
17 );
19 throw new Error("Missing Deepgram API Key");
20 }
21 this.deepgramClient = createClient(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY);
22 this.logger.logDetailed(
23 "INFO",
24 "Initializing Deepgram live connection",
25 "TranscriptionService",
26 {
27 model: "nova-2",
28 sample_rate: 16000,
29 channels: 2,
30 }
31 );
32 this.deepgramLive ={
33 encoding: "linear16",
34 channels: 2,
35 sample_rate: 16000,
36 model: "nova-2",
37 smart_format: true,
38 interim_results: true,
39 endpointing: 800,
40 language: "en",
41 multichannel: true,
42 });
43 this.finalResult = { customer: "", assistant: "" };
44 this.audioBuffer = [];
45 this.retryAttempts = 0;
46 this.lastTranscriptionTime =;
47 this.pcmBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
49 this.deepgramLive.addListener(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Open, () => {
50 this.logger.logDetailed(
51 "INFO",
52 "Deepgram connection opened",
53 "TranscriptionService"
54 );
55 this.deepgramLive.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Close, () => {
56 this.logger.logDetailed(
57 "INFO",
58 "Deepgram connection closed",
59 "TranscriptionService"
60 );
61 this.emitTranscription();
62 this.audioBuffer = [];
63 });
64 this.deepgramLive.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Metadata, (data) => {
65 this.logger.logDetailed(
66 "DEBUG",
67 "Deepgram metadata received",
68 "TranscriptionService",
69 data
70 );
71 });
72 this.deepgramLive.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Transcript, (event) => {
73 this.handleTranscript(event);
74 });
75 this.deepgramLive.on(LiveTranscriptionEvents.Error, (err) => {
76 this.logger.logDetailed(
77 "ERROR",
78 "Deepgram error received",
79 "TranscriptionService",
80 { error: err }
81 );
82 this.emit("transcriptionerror", err);
83 });
84 });
85 }
87 send(payload) {
88 if (payload instanceof Buffer) {
89 this.pcmBuffer =
90 this.pcmBuffer.length === 0
91 ? payload
92 : Buffer.concat([this.pcmBuffer, payload]);
93 } else {
94 this.logger.warn("TranscriptionService: Received non-Buffer data chunk.");
95 }
96 if (this.deepgramLive.getReadyState() === 1 && this.pcmBuffer.length > 0) {
97 this.sendBufferedData(this.pcmBuffer);
98 this.pcmBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
99 }
100 }
102 sendBufferedData(bufferedData) {
103 try {
104 this.logger.logDetailed(
105 "INFO",
106 "Sending buffered data to Deepgram",
107 "TranscriptionService",
108 { bytes: bufferedData.length }
109 );
110 this.deepgramLive.send(bufferedData);
111 this.audioBuffer = [];
112 this.retryAttempts = 0;
113 } catch (error) {
114 this.logger.logDetailed(
115 "ERROR",
116 "Error sending buffered data",
117 "TranscriptionService",
118 { error }
119 );
120 this.retryAttempts++;
121 if (this.retryAttempts <= MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS) {
122 setTimeout(() => {
123 this.sendBufferedData(bufferedData);
124 }, 1000);
125 } else {
126 this.logger.logDetailed(
127 "ERROR",
128 "Max retry attempts reached, discarding data",
129 "TranscriptionService"
130 );
131 this.audioBuffer = [];
132 this.retryAttempts = 0;
133 }
134 }
135 }
137 handleTranscript(transcription) {
138 if (! || ![0]) {
139 this.logger.logDetailed(
140 "WARN",
141 "Invalid transcript format",
142 "TranscriptionService",
143 { transcription }
144 );
145 return;
146 }
147 const text =[0].transcript.trim();
148 if (!text) return;
149 const currentTime =;
150 const channelIndex = transcription.channel_index
151 ? transcription.channel_index[0]
152 : 0;
153 const channel = channelIndex === 0 ? "customer" : "assistant";
154 this.logger.logDetailed(
155 "INFO",
156 "Received transcript",
157 "TranscriptionService",
158 { channel, text }
159 );
160 if (transcription.is_final || transcription.speech_final) {
161 this.finalResult[channel] += ` ${text}`;
162 this.emitTranscription();
163 } else {
164 this.finalResult[channel] += ` ${text}`;
165 if (currentTime - this.lastTranscriptionTime >= DEBOUNCE_DELAY) {
166 this.logger.logDetailed(
167 "INFO",
168 `Emitting transcript after ${DEBOUNCE_DELAY_IN_SECS}s inactivity`,
169 "TranscriptionService"
170 );
171 this.emitTranscription();
172 }
173 }
174 this.lastTranscriptionTime = currentTime;
175 }
177 emitTranscription() {
178 for (const chan of ["customer", "assistant"]) {
179 if (this.finalResult[chan].trim()) {
180 const transcript = this.finalResult[chan].trim();
181 this.logger.logDetailed(
182 "INFO",
183 "Emitting transcription",
184 "TranscriptionService",
185 { channel: chan, transcript }
186 );
187 this.emit("transcription", transcript, chan);
188 this.finalResult[chan] = "";
189 }
190 }
191 }
194module.exports = TranscriptionService;


This file creates an Express server, attaches the custom transcriber WebSocket at /api/custom-transcriber, and starts the HTTP server.

1const express = require("express");
2const http = require("http");
3const TranscriptionService = require("./transcriptionService");
4const FileLogger = require("./fileLogger");
7const app = express();
9app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
11app.get("/", (req, res) => {
12 res.send("Custom Transcriber Service is running");
15const server = http.createServer(app);
17const config = {
19 PORT: process.env.PORT || 3001,
22const logger = new FileLogger();
23const transcriptionService = new TranscriptionService(config, logger);
25transcriptionService.setupWebSocketServer = function (server) {
26 const WebSocketServer = require("ws").Server;
27 const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server, path: "/api/custom-transcriber" });
28 wss.on("connection", (ws) => {
29 logger.logDetailed(
30 "INFO",
31 "New WebSocket client connected on /api/custom-transcriber",
32 "Server"
33 );
34 ws.on("message", (data, isBinary) => {
35 if (!isBinary) {
36 try {
37 const msg = JSON.parse(data.toString());
38 if (msg.type === "start") {
39 logger.logDetailed(
40 "INFO",
41 "Received start message from client",
42 "Server",
43 { sampleRate: msg.sampleRate, channels: msg.channels }
44 );
45 }
46 } catch (err) {
47 logger.error("JSON parse error", err, "Server");
48 }
49 } else {
50 transcriptionService.send(data);
51 }
52 });
53 ws.on("close", () => {
54 logger.logDetailed("INFO", "WebSocket client disconnected", "Server");
55 if (
56 transcriptionService.deepgramLive &&
57 transcriptionService.deepgramLive.getReadyState() === 1
58 ) {
59 transcriptionService.deepgramLive.finish();
60 }
61 });
62 ws.on("error", (error) => {
63 logger.error("WebSocket error", error, "Server");
64 });
65 transcriptionService.on("transcription", (text, channel) => {
66 const response = {
67 type: "transcriber-response",
68 transcription: text,
69 channel,
70 };
71 ws.send(JSON.stringify(response));
72 logger.logDetailed("INFO", "Sent transcription to client", "Server", {
73 channel,
74 text,
75 });
76 });
77 transcriptionService.on("transcriptionerror", (err) => {
78 ws.send(
79 JSON.stringify({ type: "error", error: "Transcription service error" })
80 );
81 logger.error("Transcription service error", err, "Server");
82 });
83 });
88server.listen(config.PORT, () => {
89 console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${config.PORT}`);

Testing Your Integration

Code Examples – How to Test

  1. Deploy Your Server:
    Run your server with:

    $node server.js
  2. Expose Your Server:
    If you want to test externally, use a tool like ngrok to expose your server via HTTPS/WSS.

  3. Initiate a Call with Vapi:
    Use the following CURL command (update the placeholders with your actual values):

    $curl -X POST \
    > -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
    > -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    > -d '{
    > "phoneNumberId": "YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER_ID",
    > "customer": {
    > "number": "CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER"
    > },
    > "assistant": {
    > "transcriber": {
    > "provider": "custom-transcriber",
    > "server": {
    > "url": "wss://"
    > },
    > "secret": "your_optional_secret_value"
    > },
    > "firstMessage": "Hello! I am using a custom transcriber with Deepgram."
    > },
    > "name": "CustomTranscriberTest"

Expected Behavior

  • Vapi connects via WebSocket to your custom transcriber at /api/custom-transcriber.
  • The "start" message initializes the Deepgram session.
  • PCM audio data is forwarded to Deepgram.
  • Deepgram returns transcript events, which are processed with channel detection and debouncing.
  • The final transcript is sent back as a JSON message:
    2 "type": "transcriber-response",
    3 "transcription": "The transcribed text",
    4 "channel": "customer" // or "assistant"

Notes and Limitations

  • Streaming Support Requirement:
    The custom transcriber must support streaming. Vapi sends continuous audio data over the WebSocket, and your server must handle this stream in real time.

  • Secret Header:
    The custom transcriber configuration accepts an optional field called secret. When set, Vapi will send this value with every request as an HTTP header named x-vapi-secret. This can also be configured via a headers field.

  • Buffering:
    The solution buffers PCM audio and performs simple validation (e.g. ensuring stereo PCM data length is a multiple of 4). If the audio data is malformed, it is trimmed to a valid length.

  • Channel Detection:
    Transcript events from Deepgram include a channel_index array. The service uses the first element to determine whether the transcript is from the customer (0) or the assistant (1). Ensure Deepgram’s response format remains consistent with this logic.


Using a custom transcriber with Vapi gives you the flexibility to integrate any transcription service into your call flows. This guide walked you through the setup, usage, and testing of a solution that streams real-time audio, processes transcripts with multi‑channel detection, and returns formatted responses back to Vapi. Follow the steps above and use the provided code examples to build your custom transcriber solution.