This documentation provides an overview of JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and demonstrates how to generate a JWT token and use it to authenticate API requests securely.


Before you proceed, ensure you have the following:

  • An environment that supports JWT generation and API calls (e.g., a programming language or framework)
  • An account with a service that requires JWT authentication
  • Environment variables set up for the necessary credentials (e.g., organization ID and private key, both can be found in your Vapi portal)

Generating a JWT Token

The following steps outline how to generate a JWT token:

  1. Define the Payload: The payload contains the data you want to include in the token. In this case, it includes an orgId.
  2. Get the Private Key: The private key (provided by Vapi) is used to sign the token. Ensure it is securely stored, often in environment variables.
  3. Set Token Options: Define options for the token, such as the expiration time (expiresIn).
  4. Generate the Token: Use a JWT library or built-in functionality to generate the token with the payload, key, and options.


// Define the payload
const payload = {
  orgId: process.env.ORG_ID,

// Get the private key from environment variables
const key = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;

// Define token options
const options = {
  expiresIn: '1h',

// Generate the token using a JWT library or built-in functionality
const token = generateJWT(payload, key, options);


  • Payload: The payload includes the orgId, representing the organization ID.
  • Key: The private key is used to sign the token, ensuring its authenticity.
  • Options: The expiresIn option specifies that the token will expire in 1 hour.
  • Token Generation: The generateJWT function (a placeholder for the actual JWT generation method) creates the token using the provided payload, key, and options.

Making an Authenticated API Request

Once the token is generated, you can use it to make authenticated API requests. The following steps outline how to make an authenticated request:

  1. Define the API Endpoint: Specify the URL of the API you want to call.
  2. Set the Headers: Include the Content-Type and Authorization headers in your request. The Authorization header should include the generated JWT token prefixed with Bearer.
  3. Make the API Call: Use an appropriate method to send the request and handle the response.


async function getAssistants() {
  const response = await fetch('', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,

  const data = await response.json();



  • API Endpoint: The URL of the API you want to call.
  • Headers: The Content-Type is set to application/json, and the Authorization header includes the generated JWT token.
  • API Call: The fetchData function makes an asynchronous GET request to the specified API endpoint and logs the response.


With the generated token, you can authenticate API requests to any endpoint requiring authentication. The token will be valid for the duration specified in the options (1 hour in this case).


This documentation covered the basics of generating a JWT token and demonstrated how to use the token to make authenticated API requests. Ensure that your environment variables (e.g., ORG_ID and PRIVATE_KEY) are correctly set up before running the code.