Setting Server URLs

Learn about where you can set server URLs to handle call events.

Server URLs can be set at multiple levels in Vapi.

Server URLs can be set in multiple places in Vapi. Each level has a different priority.

The server URL with the highest priority for a relevant event will be the one that Vapi uses to send the event to.

Server URLs can be set at 4 levels in Vapi:

  • Account-wide: you can set a server URL for your broader account
  • Phone Number: server URLs can be attached to phone numbers themselves
  • Assistant: assistants can be configured with a server URL
  • Function: function calls themselves (under an assistant) can have a corresponding server URL

Setting Server URLs

Here’s a breakdown of where you can set server URLs in Vapi:

URL Priority

Events are only sent/assigned to 1 server URL in the priority stack. Here’s the order of priority:

  1. Function: if a function call has a server URL, the function call event will be sent to that URL
  2. Assistant: assistant server URLs are the next highest priority
  3. Phone Number: if a phone number has a server URL, it will be used over the account-wide URL
  4. Account-wide: Default / “lowest” importance. It will be used if no other server URL is set.

You will most commonly set a server URL on your account, and/or on specific assistants.