API Request

Interface with external APIs


The API Request enables your workflow to interact with external APIs. It supports both GET and POST methods, allowing the integration of external data and services.


  • URL: Enter the endpoint to request.
  • Method: Specify the HTTP method (GET or POST).
  • Headers: Define each header with a key, value, and type.
  • Body Values: For POST requests, provide key, value, and type for each entry.
  • Output Values: Extract data from the API’s JSON response:
    • Key: The key within the JSON payload to extract.
    • Target: The name of the output variable for the extracted value.
    • Type: The data type of the extracted value.
  • Mode: Toggle asynchronous execution with “run in the background” on or off.


Use the API Request to fetch information from an external API to use in your workflow, or to update information in your CRM or database.