Plivo SIP Integration

How to integrate Plivo SIP with Vapi

This guide walks you through setting up both outbound and inbound SIP trunking between Plivo and Vapi.

Outbound Calls (Plivo to Vapi)

Plivo Configuration

  1. Login to Plivo Console

    Access the Plivo console at

  2. Create IP Access Control List

    Navigate to: Zentrunk(SIP) → Outbound Trunks → IP Access Control List → Create New IP Group

    • Name: Choose a descriptive name
    • IP Address List: Whitelist Vapi’s fixed IPs:
    • Click “Create ACL”

    Plivo IP Access Control List

  3. Create Outbound Trunk

    Navigate to: Zentrunk(SIP) → Outbound Trunks → Trunks → Create New Outbound Trunk

    • Trunk Name: Choose a descriptive name
    • IP Access Control List: Select the IP ACL created in the previous step
    • Click “Create Trunk”

    Create New Outbound Trunk

  4. Note Your Termination SIP Domain

    After creating the trunk, note the Termination SIP Domain (format:

    Termination SIP Domain

  5. Purchase a Phone Number

    Navigate to: Numbers → Buy a new number

    Buy Phone Number

Vapi Configuration

  1. Get Your Vapi API Key

    Sign in to the Vapi dashboard at and retrieve your API key

    VAPI Dashboard

  2. Create a SIP Trunk Credential

    Use the following API call, replacing the gateway IP with your Plivo Termination SIP Domain:

    $curl -X POST \
    >-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    >-H "Authorization: Bearer your-vapi-private-api-key" \
    >-d '{
    > "provider": "byo-sip-trunk",
    > "name": "PLIVO Trunk",
    > "gateways": [
    > {
    > "ip": ""
    > }
    > ]

    SIP Trunk Credential Response

    Note the id (credentialId) from the response for the next step.

  3. Register Your Phone Number

    Associate your Plivo number with the SIP trunk:

    $curl -X POST \
    >-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    >-H "Authorization: Bearer your-vapi-private-api-key" \
    >-d '{
    > "provider": "byo-phone-number",
    > "name": "PLIVO SIP Number",
    > "number": "1833684XXXX",
    > "numberE164CheckEnabled": false,
    > "credentialId": "a2c815b8-03f4-40f5-813c-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

    Phone Number Response

    Note the phone number ID from the response for making calls.

  4. Create a Vapi Assistant

    Follow the steps at

    Create VAPI Assistant

    Note your Assistant ID for making calls.

  5. Make Outbound Calls

    Using the API:

    $curl --location '' \
    >--header 'Authorization: Bearer your-vapi-private-api-key' \
    >--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    >--data '{
    > "assistantId": "29d47d31-ba3c-451c-86ce-xxxxxxxxx",
    > "customer": {
    > "number": "9199437XXXXX",
    > "numberE164CheckEnabled": false
    > },
    > "phoneNumberId": "eba2fb13-259f-4123-abfa-xxxxxxxxxxx"

    Outbound Call Response

    Using the Vapi Dashboard:

    Select your Assistant and enter the destination number you want to call.

    VAPI Dashboard Call

Inbound Calls (Vapi to Plivo)

Plivo Configuration

  1. Login to Plivo Console

    Access the Plivo console at

  2. Create Origination URI

    Navigate to: Zentrunk(SIP) → Inbound Trunks → Origination URI → Create New IP URI

    • Name: Choose a descriptive name
    • URI: Enter Vapi’s SIP URI:;transport=udp
    • Click “Create URI”

    Create New IP URI

  3. Create Inbound Trunk

    Navigate to: Zentrunk(SIP) → Inbound Trunks → Trunks → Create New Inbound Trunk

    • Trunk Name: Choose a descriptive name
    • Primary URI: Select the URI created in the previous step
    • Click “Create Trunk”

    Create New Inbound Trunk

  4. Attach Phone Number to Inbound Trunk

    Navigate to: Phone Numbers → Select your purchased number

    • In the Application dropdown, select “Zentrunk”
    • In the Zentrunk dropdown, select your inbound trunk
    • Save the changes

    Attach Number to Inbound Trunk

Vapi Configuration

  1. Get Your Vapi API Key

    Sign in to the Vapi dashboard at and retrieve your API key

  2. Create an Inbound SIP Trunk Credential

    $curl -X POST \
    >-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    >-H "Authorization: Bearer your-vapi-private-api-key" \
    >-d '{
    > "provider": "byo-sip-trunk",
    > "name": "PLIVO Inbound Trunk",
    > "type": "inbound"

    Note the id (credentialId) from the response for the next step.

  3. Register Your Phone Number

    $curl -X POST \
    >-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    >-H "Authorization: Bearer your-vapi-private-api-key" \
    >-d '{
    > "provider": "byo-phone-number",
    > "name": "PLIVO SIP Inbound Number",
    > "number": "1833684XXXX",
    > "numberE164CheckEnabled": false,
    > "credentialId": "a2c815b8-03f4-40f5-813c-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  4. Create and Configure a Vapi Assistant

    Now when someone calls your Plivo number, the call will be routed to your Vapi assistant.