Supabase S3 Storage

Store recordings of chat conversations in Supabase Storage

Your assistants can be configured to record chat conversations and upload the recordings to a bucket in Supabase Storage when the conversation ends. You will need to configure the credential and bucket settings in the “Cloud Providers” section of the “Provider Credentials” page in the Vapi dashboard.

See these instructions for generating Supabase tokens and access keys, and finding your endpoint and region.

Credential Settings

Bucket NameThe name of the bucket in Supabase Storage to upload recordings to
Storage RegionThe region of the Supabase project
Storage EndpointThe endpoint of the Supabase Storage to upload recordings to
Bucket Path PrefixAn optional path prefix for recordings uploaded to the bucket
Storage Access Key IDThe access key id for Supabase Storage
Storage Secret Access KeyThe secret access key for Supabase Storage, associated with the access key id


Example Configuration