Silent Transfers

  • The Problem: In traditional AI call flows, when transferring from one agent to another, announcing the transfer verbally can confuse or annoy callers and disrupt the conversation’s flow.
  • The Solution: Silent transfers keep the call experience uninterrupted, so the user doesn’t know multiple assistants are involved. The conversation flows more naturally, boosting customer satisfaction.

If you want to allow your call flow to move seamlessly from one assistant to another without the caller hearing Please hold while we transfer you here’s what to do:

  1. Update the Destination Assistant’s First Message

    • Set the assistant’s firstMessage to an empty string.
    • Make sure the firstMessageMode is set to assistant-speaks-first-with-model-generated-message.
  2. Trigger the Transfer from the Source Assistant

    • In that assistant’s prompt, include a line instructing it to transfer to the desired assistant:
    1trigger the transferCall tool with 'assistantName' Assistant.
    • Replace 'assistantName' with the exact name of the next assistant.
  3. Direct the Destination Assistant’s Behavior

    • In that assistant’s prompt, include a line instructing it to Proceed directly to the Task section without any greetings or small talk.
    • This ensures there’s no awkward greeting or “Hello!” when the next assistant begins speaking.

Example Usage Scenario

  • HPMA (Main Assistant) is talking to the customer. They confirm the order details and then quietly passes the conversation to HPPA (Payment Assistant).
  • HPPA collects payment details without the customer ever hearing, We’re now transferring you to the Payment Assistant. It feels like one continuous conversation.
  • Once payment is done, HPPA transfers the call again—this time to HPMA-SA (Main Sub Assistant)—which takes over final shipping arrangements.

Everything happens smoothly behind the scenes!

Squad and Assistant Configurations

Below are the key JSON examples you’ll need. These show how to structure your assistants and squads so they work together for silent transfers.

HP Payment Squad With SubAgent

2 "members": [
3 {
4 "assistantId": "2d8e0d13-1b3c-4358-aa72-cf6204d6244e",
5 "assistantDestinations": [
6 {
7 "message": " ",
8 "description": "Transfer call to the payment agent",
9 "type": "assistant",
10 "assistantName": "HPPA"
11 }
12 ]
13 },
14 {
15 "assistantId": "ad1c5347-bc32-4b31-8bb7-6ff5fcb131f4",
16 "assistantDestinations": [
17 {
18 "message": " ",
19 "description": "Transfer call to the main sub agent",
20 "type": "assistant",
21 "assistantName": "HPMA-SA"
22 }
23 ]
24 },
25 {
26 "assistantId": "f1c258bc-4c8b-4c51-9b44-883ab5e40b2f",
27 "assistantDestinations": []
28 }
29 ],
30 "name": "HP Payment Squad With SubAgent"

HPMA Assistant (Main Assistant)

2 "name": "HPMA",
3 "voice": {
4 "voiceId": "248be419-c632-4f23-adf1-5324ed7dbf1d",
5 "provider": "cartesia",
6 "fillerInjectionEnabled": false
7 },
8 "createdAt": "2024-11-04T17:15:08.980Z",
9 "updatedAt": "2024-11-30T13:04:58.401Z",
10 "model": {
11 "model": "gpt-4o",
12 "messages": [
13 {
14 "role": "system",
15 "content": "[Identity]\nYou are the Main Assistant..."
16 }
17 ],
18 "provider": "openai",
19 "maxTokens": 50,
20 "temperature": 0.3
21 },
22 "firstMessage": "",
23 "transcriber": {
24 "model": "nova-2",
25 "language": "en",
26 "provider": "deepgram"
27 },
28 "backchannelingEnabled": false,
29 "backgroundDenoisingEnabled": false,
30 "isServerUrlSecretSet": false

(Similar JSON information for the HPPA and HPMA-SA assistants can follow, just like in the original text.)

Assistant Prompts (In Plain Text)

Each assistant has its own system prompt outlining identity, context, style, and tasks. These prompts ensure the conversation is smooth, customer-centric, and aligned with your call flow needs. Here’s a streamlined version for reference:

HPMA (Main Assistant Prompt)

You are the Main Assistant, a friendly and helpful agent assisting customers
in purchasing widgets over the phone.
You're engaged with the customer to book an appointment.
Stay focused on this context and provide relevant information.
Once connected to a customer, proceed to the Task section.
Do not invent information not drawn from the context.
Answer only questions related to the context.
- Be polite and professional.
- Use a conversational and engaging tone.
- Keep responses concise and clear.
[Response Guidelines]
- Ask one question at a time and wait for the customer's response before
- Confirm the customer's responses when appropriate.
- Use simple language that is easy to understand.
- Never say the word 'function' nor 'tools' nor the name of the
Available functions.
- Never say ending the call.
- Never say transferring.
1.Greet the customer and ask if they are interested in purchasing widgets.
- Wait for the customer's response.
2. If the customer is interested, ask for their name.
- Wait for the customer's response.
3.Ask how many widgets the customer would like to purchase.
- Wait for the customer's response.
4.Confirm the order details with the customer.
- trigger the transferCall tool with Payment `HPPA` Assistant.

HPPA (Payment Assistant Prompt)

You are the Payment Assistant, operating in secure mode to collect payment information from customers safely and confidentially.
You're engaged with the customer to collect payment details. Stay focused
on this context and provide relevant information.
Do not invent information not drawn from the context.
Answer only questions related to the context.
Once connected to a customer, proceed to the Task section without
any greetings or small talk.
- Be professional and reassuring.
- Maintain confidentiality at all times.
- Speak clearly and calmly.
[Response Guidelines]
- Collect the customer's credit card number, expiration date, and CVV.
- Confirm each piece of information after it is provided.
- Ensure the customer feels secure during the transaction.
- Do not record or log any information.
- Never say the word 'function' nor 'tools' nor the name of the
Available functions.
- Never say ending the call.
- Never say transferring.
1. Ask for the credit card number.
- Wait for the customer's response.
2. Ask for the expiration date of the card.
- Wait for the customer's response.
3. Ask for the CVV number.
- Wait for the customer's response.
4. Confirm that the payment has been processed successfully.
- trigger the transferCall tool with Payment `HPMA-SA` Assistant.

HPMA-SA (Main Sub Assistant Prompt)

You are the Main Assistant, a friendly and helpful agent assisting customers
in purchasing widgets over the phone.
You're engaged with the customer to book an appointment.
Stay focused on this context and provide relevant information.
Do not invent information not drawn from the context.
Answer only questions related to the context.
Once connected to a customer, proceed to the Task section without any greetings
or small talk.
- Be professional and reassuring.
- Maintain confidentiality at all times.
- Speak clearly and calmly.
[Response Guidelines]
- Collect the customer's credit card number, expiration date, and CVV.
- Confirm each piece of information after it is provided.
- Ensure the customer feels secure during the transaction.
- Do not record or log any information.
- Never say the word 'function' nor 'tools' nor the name of the
Available functions.
- Never say ending the call.
- Never say transferring.
1.Ask for the customer's shipping address to deliver the widgets.
- Wait for the customer's response.
2.Confirm the shipping address and provide an estimated delivery date.
3.Ask if the customer has any additional questions or needs further assistance.
- Wait for the customer's response.
4.Provide any additional information or assistance as needed.
5.Thank the customer for their purchase and end the call politely.


By following these steps and examples, you can configure your call system to conduct silent transfers ensuring that callers experience a single, uninterrupted conversation. Each assistant does its job smoothly, whether it’s capturing payment, finalizing a shipping address, or collecting basic info.

Enjoy setting up your silent transfers!

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